Monday, February 16, 2009


This is part of the response that I sent to Representative Mascaro:

With respect to government waste I think Utah has always been fairly efficient compared to other States. We don’t have much waste to cut. We cannot experience the kind of cuts that are mentioned in your e-mail. I think Utahns get so caught up in the King Benjamin theory of government that we lose the idea of investment. We will be money ahead in the long run if we invest in our children. Cuts in education will increase crime, poverty and suffering in the long run. It will make it so our children can’t compete in a world market. Cuts will turn teachers into baby sitters instead of teachers because classes will be so large. I do not support shortening the school year, teacher lay offs, or any cuts at all in education. I would support immigration reform which would greatly reduce cost and stress in our education system, but that is another story.

We will also be money ahead if we invest in economic development. We must continue to attract employers to our State, and help the businesses we have succeed. We must do all that in an environmentally responsible way.

So how do we pay for it? This is a rainy day, use the rainy day fund. That is what it is for. Also, I for one support certain tax increases. The gas tax should be raised considerably. The sales tax on food should not be removed at this time. Income taxes should be increased, not by raising the rate, but reducing the dependent credit and other similar measures. Here are the areas of importance, the top of the list being the most important. Hence, if cuts should be made they should be made from this nearer the bottom of the list.

1. Education (Public and Higher)
2. Highways and Transportation
3. Public Safety (highway patrol, corrections)
4. Health and Human Services
5. Judiciary
6. Natural Resources

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean by #6 natural resources? How does the legislature cut natural resources? Or do you mean investment/management of natural resources?
